This list of tools and resources are here to help you find your desired life path. Discover websites, books worth reading, and other useful resources.
Written in an easy to read format, The Why Cafe forces the reader to indirectly look at their life. So often we feel locked into our patterns with no feasible way out. Through a journey of self discovery, the main character John discovers a new way to look at life and what he wants in life. By witnessing the effects on John in this inspirational book, the reader is able examine their life and choose where they want their journey to take them.
What would it be like to be free from limitation and soar beyond your boundaries?
Building on the accumulated wisdom of applied kinesiology (diagnostic muscle-testing to determine the causes of allergies and ailments) and behavioral kinesiology (muscle-testing to determine emotional responses to stimuli), David R. Hawkins MD, PhD has taken muscle-testing to the next level, in an effort to determine what makes people and systems strong, healthy, effective and spiritually sound.
Positive thinking dramatically increases your chances of success in any endeavor. Read this post by the DailyOM to learn more about the power of staying positive. To get inspirational thoughts for a happy, healthy and fulfilling day subscribe to My DailyOM emails.
A youtube video that will help visually explain coaching.
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